Was a great day, the sun came out for everyone to get an amazing up close view of the racing.
UWA motorsport and Edith Cowan Racing (the other two FSAE teams from WA), put on a dynamic demonstration prior to the targa west cars arriving in Perth.
UWA's Pete Marsh was setting a cracking pace through the course but came slightly unstuck as he tried to flick the rear of the car around the hair-pin on Riverside Drive (Swan Bells end).
They damaged the sidepod of their cars body work but simply removed it and took to the course once again to really hightlight the performance of the FSAE racecars.
Unfortunately CMT have been troubled with a low oil pressure problem and having blow an engine earlier in the year at the Colie motorplex from the same problem we opted to not risk driving our car on the day. We have had moderate success trying to solve the problem during the year, moving towards a dry sump oil system but this has now showing signs having it's own problems.
Shortly the '09 race car will be dismantled to re-use suspension components for the Twenty10 racecar. This saves on cost and manufacturing time which are both of short supply.
After having a team shake up to stir engineers into being more productive we are making good head way towards a rolling car. We have set a team deadline of the 8th of November to have a fully running and operation racecar. It's a push but it's by no means unachievable.
Our computer model is looking great and we believe this year we are going to produce our most well engineered car yet.
Keep your eyes glued to this page to keep 'In Tune' with team progress over the next two months, big things are set to happen.
Above: The CMT display (inbetween UWA Motorsport and Edith Cowan Racing)
A picture of the switch that manually switches on our electronic water pump (a small joke to keep up team spirits)
Hiding inside the side pod is our muffler, might I am that it's fairly loud (it will have to be quieter this year)
A view of beautiful Perth, the weather was nice for the day.