Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Unfortunate News

Due to our build being well behind schedule we have unfortunately had to cancel our car launch before the comp.

With our car still being finished off and it having to go on the truck over to Melbourne on Tuesday next week we just didn't have enough time (or finshed car) to have the launch.

I'm sure if you are familiar with the comp, you will understand the enormous effort it is to prepare these cars over the year, with delays on parts and struggle for available labour it is an uphill battle for many teams, with Curtin definately not exempt.

In good news the chassis is painted and the majority of parts are being fitted to the car.

Point to note is our driveline this year looking like it will function remarkedly better than last year, now that we don't have an interferance fit between the drive shafts and the suspension mounts.

The deisgn of the race car is often undertaken by new team members each year and so information and past expereience is often lost, this means design problems can be re-occuring but we are lucky this year to have a solid team core that attended the comp last year and we are making the appropriate modifications to our design approach based on what we learned last year.

We are still very hopeful for a good performance at the comp this year, so don't lose faith in us yet.

It's still full steam ahead in the workshop day and night. The painted body turned up today and should be all mounted up by tomorrow.

Brake lines were complete yesterday thanks to some help from Perth Brake Parts.

Keep you eyes on this page as we are set to have lots of progress over the next few days.....we simply just have to enable us to compete in Melbourne this year. Short on days for work but we have plenty of determination.

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