Friday, November 12, 2010

Car launch 2010

Friday 12th November

Design boards: These are prints taken from our 2010 design report that is a submission required for the FSAE competition. They detail the design and manufacture processes that create our race car.

High Tech: The highly technical support method for our design board display, I think it worked well to create that motorsports feel.

Above: Drinks and nibbles supplied by the team, we enjoy giving back to those that give so much support to us.
What could it be? : Tim Keely from Science and Engineering marketing at Curtin University plays for the camera just before the event started. Tim is a great help to the team and just a great fan of our work. We often work together at events such as Open Day and Careers fair in Perth to really spread the word about the opportunities that exist with engineering at Curtin University.
Talk the talk: Nathan Staats (project manager), gives a short speech about the Twenty10 race car build and our hopes for FSAE-A this year in December.

Snap shot of the short video we played, it was a collection of photo's and time lapse film taken over the year during the build of our 2010 race car. Thanks goes to Greg Miller (mechatronic engineer on the team) for putting it together for us. We will upload the video to our website and YouTube page soon.
Marketing stands by management: Errol Hassett (left), marketing, and Nathan Staats (right), project manager. They have so far proved to be a great team for CMT in 2010, marketing and team direction have continued to progress towards continued improvement, great work guys.

Words from above: Tilak Chandratileke (Head of Department for Mechanical Engineering at Curtin University) gives his thoughts on CMT and this years car. Tilak and the department of mechanical engineering at Curtin university are a great support to have in our corner as we do our very best to show that Curtin really is producing some of the most innovative hard working engineers around.

CMT Twenty10

Thanks to all our sponsors and supporters this year, wish us the best of luck for FSAE-A this year.

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