Tuesday, April 20, 2010

CMT and CMC go-kart day

Curtin Motorsport Team recently joined it's sister club, Curtin Motorsport Club for a go-kart day at COCKBURN INTERNATIONAL KARTWAY.

The day was an informal meet and greet for the CMC members and a chance for the CMT guys to say Hi also and let their hair down a little.

Above: The gang gets told the do's and don'ts

Above: The karts awaiting the ace drivers to race them around the track

Below: Drivers ready to hit the track for the 1st time

Above: Drivers grid up for the 1st start (positions were random for the 1st race)

Below: The first spin, Kara Symes

Above: Tim and another driver collide as a result of Kara's spin
Below: Getting back on track, except Tim now has a flat tyre, and we go one kart down for the day.

Above: Kara gets herself back on the circuit
Above: Nathan Staats (CMT project manager) wins heat 1
Below: We put one kart out of action and another died itself at the start of the 2nd heat so we had to break the 10 people into too groups from race 2 onwards.
Below: The gang after all the races
Above: Jordon Malatesta the overall winner on the day


From Joel Cummuskey (the 2010 chassis engineer)

With so much of the car designed on 3D software it is integral that the team has accurate models of essential parts of the car. With the team moving to a brand new engine for 2010 it was essential that an accurate model of the engine could be generated so design on the intake, exhaust, oil systems and chassis could continue.

So, on Wednesday the 24th of March a number of team members went to EL ES DE Engineering in Welshpool to use their FARO arm. The arm allows points in 3D space to be measured to an accuracy of 0.02mm. With the use of the arm and the generous support offered from Dusko Mackoski the team was able to create an extremely accurate model of the engine in a very short space of time.

With the new engine model chassis arrangement, engine mounting and general packaging has now been able to be finalised and the design of the 2010 car can progress towards manufacture.

Thanks to EL ES DE Engineering and Dusko Mackoski for their time and support.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

CMT takes a 3d model of the new CBR 600RR engines

Joel Cummuskey recently went to our good friends at EL ES DE Engineering to use their Faro-Arm.

This device takes points from a surface and inputs them into a 3d computer model.

Joel will be using this accurate model of the engine to help design the mounts for the engine in his chassis design for 2010.

See below for some interesting snap shots taken during the day.



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